Cigarette Tobacco and/or E-Cigarette Retailer Search

Error - Taxpayer ID must be 11 digits long. Error - Taxpayer IDs must begin with a "1" or "3". Error - EIN must be 9 digits long. Error - Zip Code must be 5 digits long. Error - Enter location name or zip to search for. Error - First name must be 1 to 20 characters. Error - Location Name must be at least 2 characters & at most 50 characters long. Error - Middle name must be 1 to 15 characters. Error - Last name must be at least 2 characters & at most 25 characters long. Error - Legal name must be at least 2 characters & at most 50 characters long. Error - Permit Number must be 1 to 8 digits long. Error - Invalid characters in first name. Error - Invalid characters in middle name. Error - Invalid characters in Last name . Error - Invalid characters in Legal name. Error - Invalid characters in Location name. Error - There must be at least last name and first name to search. Error - There must be a last name with the first name. Error - There must be a first name with the last name. Error - First or last name required with middle name.


Taxpayer ID:

Taxpayer ID is an eleven digit number assigned by the Texas Comptroller.

FEI Number:

Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity.

Location Name:

The name of a business at a particular location. It can be the same or different than the Legal Name. Partial names can be entered.

If the number of matches is large, narrow the search by using a more specific name or by entering a zip code.

Zip Code:

Enter the five digit zip code of the location.

First, Middle, Last Name:

First, middle and last name of the individual (aka 'sole proprietor') that owns the business. Partial names can be entered.

Legal Name:

The legal name of the business entity, not the name of a store or particular location. Legal name can be the same or different than the location name. Partial names can be entered.