Error - Taxpayer ID must be 11 digits long. Error - Taxpayer IDs must begin with a "1" or "3". Error - EIN must be 9 digits long. Error - Zip Code must be 5 digits long. Error - Enter location name or zip to search for. Error - First name must be 1 to 20 characters. Error - Location Name must be at least 2 characters & at most 50 characters long. Error - Middle name must be 1 to 15 characters. Error - Last name must be at least 2 characters & at most 25 characters long. Error - Legal name must be at least 2 characters & at most 50 characters long. Error - Permit Number must be 1 to 8 digits long. Error - Invalid characters in first name. Error - Invalid characters in middle name. Error - Invalid characters in Last name . Error - Invalid characters in Legal name. Error - Invalid characters in Location name. Error - There must be at least last name and first name to search. Error - There must be a last name with the first name. Error - There must be a first name with the last name. Error - First or last name required with middle name.
Taxpayer ID is an eleven digit number assigned by the Texas Comptroller.
Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity.
The name of a business at a particular location. It can be the same or different than the Legal Name. Partial names can be entered.
If the number of matches is large, narrow the search by using a more specific name or by entering a zip code.
Enter the five digit zip code of the location.
First, middle and last name of the individual (aka 'sole proprietor') that owns the business. Partial names can be entered.
The legal name of the business entity, not the name of a store or particular location. Legal name can be the same or different than the location name. Partial names can be entered.